Spindle out the crankshaft bearings - Riegeltechnik GmbH

+49 201 81 41 77 15
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Riegeltechnik GmbH
+49 201 81 41 77 15
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Spindle out the crankshaft bearings on a cold engine pilgrims the stock approx Ø 560mm, 150mm approx bearing depth distance between the individual bearing approx 1000mm. The recordings were made during the editing taken from different perspectives.
Ausdrehen Kurbelwellenlager
Ausdrehen Kurbelwellenlager
Ausdrehen Kurbelwellenlager
Ausdrehen Kurbelwellenlager
Laubenhof 15, D - 45326 Essen
Fon +49 201 81 41 77 15
E-Mail: info(at)riegeltechnik.de
Riegeltechnik GmbH
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